'To kick off a brand new season, Ben has found some potentially PRETENTIOUS INGREDIENTS for our normals, Barry and Mike, to review!! Will they be worth splashing the cash? Watch to find out! Below are links to the Pretentious Ingredients reviewed: Fennel Pollen: https://www.ninelife.uk/products/17-gram-jar-wild-fennel-pollen?gclid=Cj0KCQiAnuGNBhCPARIsACbnLzpBn7Zdnr7WB9onr5zI5GGbdIGXqzh1rNiSbtUM9d5KSIY5-caSR40aAhc8EALw_wcB Sea Urchin Puree: https://www.nifeislife.com/tinned-packed-fish/4761-sea-urchin-pulp-40g.html Tonburi (Land Caviar): https://rareteacellar.com/products/tonburi-boiled-broom-corn Caciocavallo Podolico: https://www.finedininglovers.com/article/italian-delicacies-caciocavallo-podolico-cheese Wanna become an awesome home cook? Sign up to our Sidekick app and be the hero of your kitchen: https://bit.ly/3tfFgsR #SortedFood #PretentiousIngredients #ExpensiveIngredients'
Tags: kitchen gadgets , taste test , chefs vs normals , sorted food , taste testing , harvey nichols , the fridgecam show , chefs review , sortedfood pretentious , expensive ingredients , sortedfood review , tasting pretentious ingredients , fancy ingredients , pretentious ingredients , foodie gifts , pretentious ingredients sorted , sortedfood pretentious ingredients , fancy treats , Fennel Pollen , Sea Urchin Puree , Tonburi (Land Caviar) , Caciocavallo Podolico , expensive cheese
See also: